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Tetrathionate Broth Base (T20-104)

Product Description:
Tetrathionate Broth Base
Tetrathionate Broth Base, otherwise known as TT Broth, is used with an iodine-iodide solution for the cultivation of Salmonella spp. from clinical specimens, foods and other materials of sanitary importance. Enzymatic Digest of Casein and Animal Tissue supply nitrogenous substances and carbohydrates for bacterial growth. Upon addition of Iodine and Potassium Iodide, the Sodium Thiosulfate in this medium produces tetrathionate. Only microorganisms containing the enzyme tetrathionate reductase will proliferate in this medium. Bile Salts suppress the growth of coliforms and Gram-positive organisms. Calcium Carbonate neutralizes acid pH and absorbs toxic metabolites.